Go Team DIET!

Students in the University of Maryland Gemstone program have developed an online diet tracking and nutritional feedback tool for students! The Team DIET (Dietary Information and Evaluation Technologies) website offers an opportunity to enter and track your meals, and provides personalized nutrition feedback on your intake of calories, fats, sugar, and sodium.

This website can help you make informed decisions, and gives you easier access to nutrition information. So, log in with your directory ID and password, and give this great new tool a try!

You can access the Diet Tracker at    http://www.diettracker.umd.edu

If you would like more information about Team Dietary Information and Evaluation Technologies (Team DIET) or about the research they've done, you can visit    http://teams.gemstone.umd.edu/classof2013/diet

You can also contact them at teamdietumd@gmail.com if you have any questions!

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